Heckmann Sales & Leasing of Dayton, Ohio (HSL) provides products and services related to compaction and underground excavating construction. New and used equipment is available for sale, rent or lease.
Products & services related to compaction & excavating construction
Heckmann Sales & Leasing of Dayton, Ohio (HSL) provides products and services related to compaction and underground excavating construction. Heckmann is known to be helpful and knowledgeable of business practices (safety, legal, project management) and strive to build relationships with solutions.
HSL has been in business for over 50 years offering new and used equipment for sale, lease or rent. We provide service for what we sell. "Our goal is to assist our customers with their concern for a productive, safe and profitable project in this continually changing business environment."
We continue to participate actively with time and resources in industry issues and trade association activities. Our industry affiliations include National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA of Ohio), the Cincinnati Master Plumbers Association, AGC of Kentucky, and the Allied Construction Industries Association (AGC-Cincinnati). We participate in numerous safety professional education training, networking and regulatory activities, as well.
Heckmann Sales & Leasing of Dayton, Ohio (HSL) provides products and services related to compaction and underground excavating construction. New and used equipment is available for sale, rent or lease.